New Students to the District will start enrolling Monday July 20th,2020. More information will be posted Monday morning
over 4 years ago, Newkirk Public Schools
We will have a meet and greet reception this evening at 7:00pm in the high school commons for our new incoming staff. We will be serving punch and cookies. Hope to see you there.
over 4 years ago, Newkirk Public Schools
NHS Softball mandatory practices start July 15th from 6p-8p. Must have physical done and turned into the Coaches before you can practice.
over 4 years ago, Newkirk Public Schools
Newkirk Elementary is looking for a fourth grade teacher. Send a resume with references to
over 4 years ago, Newkirk Elementary
If your student was in the 10th grade during the 2019-20 school year and you anticipate that your 2020 income may be under the $55,000 application limit for the Oklahoma’s Promise scholarship due to recent reductions in your income, you may submit an application based on your 2020 estimated income. The application must be submitted prior to the June 30, 2020 deadline at You will be required to provide a copy of your 2020 federal tax return when completed to verify that your 2020 income was under $55,000. The application will be held as pending until the tax documentation is received. Please send any questions to
almost 5 years ago, Patty Rowe
All Sports Physicals will take place on Thursday June 18th from 6:00pm-8:00pm. Boys and Girls 6th grade-12th grade. Any student participating in a sport for 2020-2021 school year are required to have a physical on file. Enter in the west doors of the Commons. There will be a Covid-19 screening before starting the physical. Cost is $20.00 per athlete.
almost 5 years ago, Newkirk Public Schools
ACT Testing on Saturday, July 18. Registration deadline is June 19. Go to
almost 5 years ago, Patty Rowe
ACT Testing on Saturday, July 18. Registration deadline is June 19. Go to
almost 5 years ago, Patty Rowe
SENIORS: If you have been awarded any scholarships, please email Ms. Rowe. She will need the NAME and AMOUNT AWARDED for each scholarship.
almost 5 years ago, Patty Rowe
ACT Testing on Saturday, June 13. Registration deadline is May 8. Go to
almost 5 years ago, Patty Rowe
Newkirk High School Students, unfortunately Newkirk Schools will not be able to host a Prom for this year, due to the time frames of the Governor’s outline and the outline of the CDC guidelines. Our first priority is the safety and wellbeing of our students, parents, staff and community. Thank you for always supporting our students and understanding during this unprecedented time.
almost 5 years ago, Newkirk Public Schools
ACT Testing on Saturday, June 13. Registration deadline is May 8. Go to
almost 5 years ago, Patty Rowe
Any girls who are wanting to play HS Softball in the fall need to contact Coach Finuf and or Coach Marks.
almost 5 years ago, Graham Snelding
Senior Tribute Ads are due by April 24th, 2020. Go to to submit your Senior Ad.
almost 5 years ago, Newkirk Public Schools
Follow the Newkirk Elementary School Facebook page for up-to-date information during Remote Learning.
almost 5 years ago, Newkirk Elementary
Parents: You should receive lesson information each Monday starting April 6. If you are getting paper/pencil format, the packets will be delivered with student lunches. Others will be inside the front doors of the school. Packets should be returned at the end of each week.
almost 5 years ago, Newkirk Elementary
SENIORS: April Scholarships are listed on the school website at the top of the News Feed.
almost 5 years ago, Patty Rowe
Fundraiser: Rib and Chicken Pick-up, Reminder that you can pick up your Ribs and Chickens today from 3pm to 7pm, at the West Side of the High School, by the Baseball and softball fields. Please spread the word.
almost 5 years ago, Graham Snelding
Rib Fundraiser, The pick-up date is March 26th (This Thursday) not April 26th.
almost 5 years ago, Graham Snelding
RIB FUNDRAISER, students will NOT be delivering them because of the School Closure so the people who purchased them will need to pick them up. Thanks for your understanding and sorry for the inconvenience.
almost 5 years ago, Graham Snelding