SENIORS: Statewide Scholarship Opportunities for Oklahoma High School students. The Oklahoma City Foundation has many scholarships available for high school seniors in Oklahoma. Go to http://www.occf.org/scholarships for information and to apply.

High school football game for Friday night vs. Chisholm has been cancelled. Game scheduled for November 6th has also been cancelled.

SENIORS, REMEMBER to check out the Scholarships page on the Newkirk Schools Website. From the home page, click EXPLORE, click the arrow on HS COUNSELOR, then the arrow on SCHOLARSHIPS. Due dates for scholarships are organized by month. Scholarships are separated by Local (Newkirk / Kay County), State, and National. While you are checking out scholarships, be sure to check out the COLLEGE EVENTS page for Senior Days. To get started, go to www.newkirk.k12.ok.us

Freshmen and Sophomores: Oklahoma's Promise offers qualified Oklahoma students an opportunity to earn a scholarship for college tuition. In order to qualify for this scholarship program, you must be an Oklahoma resident, you must enroll in the program during the 8th, 9th, or 10th grades, and your parent's federal adjusted gross income must not exceed $55,000 per year. For more information or to apply, go to www.okpromise.org

Electrical Apprenticeship Training Program brochure is on the high school Facebook page. Must be at least 17 years old to apply. For more information, go to the Newkirk High School Facebook page.

Seniors interested in attending OU in the fall of 2021-22, the University of Oklahoma has added test-optional scholarships. This means all admitted students who have at least a 3.25 scholarship GPA will receive a scholarship. To receive priority consideration for OU's merit-based awards, students will need to apply to OU by November 1st. For the latest scholarship amounts, contact Artemio Castillon at acastillon@ou.edu or 405-325-2151.

Fall Break is this weekend.
No School on Friday October 16th or Monday October 19th.

High school seniors are invited to join OU President Joseph Harroz Jr. and the Office of Admissions and Recruitment for A Virtual Evening with OU for Oklahoma Students on Tuesday, October 20.
The Office of Admissions and Recruitment invites your senior students to A Virtual Evening with OU for Oklahoma Students on Tuesday, October 20 at 6:30 p.m. CT. High school seniors who join us can learn why becoming part of the OU family is a great choice academically, globally, and beyond!
During this virtual event, students will have the opportunity to hear a live address from OU President Joseph Harroz Jr., and throughout the evening, current OU students will share about their experiences in academics, research, student life, and more. Students can also connect with other students from across the state who are interested in the same academic programs and student organizations!
Registration is open now at hello.ou.edu/register/okevening, and a flyer is attached with more information. We hope to connect with your students soon!

ACT test seats are still available for October. ACT has extended the deadline to register until October 5th for the following four test dates: October 10, 17, 24 & 25. Go to ACT.org to register. Students concerned about test center cancellations this fall can look for ACT test pop-up sites when registering in MyACT.

ACT: If you register by September 25th for October test, there is NO late registration fee.

High School Picture Day is October 8th. This includes Senior Panel pictures. Dress attire is required for seniors. Boys shirt and tie or collared shirt. Girls dress shirt. No Casual Attire.

Parents of Seniors: Due to the Class of 2021 being unable to take an ACT test last April through state testing, Newkirk High School will be offering a one-time reimbursement to any senior who takes their first ACT test between April 1, 2020 and April 30, 2021. In order to receive reimbursement for testing between those dates, your student will need to provide proof of payment to Debbie Usry in the Superintendent’s Office. This offer is for first time ACT tests ONLY. This will NOT include late fee registration. To sign up for an ACT test, your student will need to create an account. Go to https://my.act.org/account/create.
If you have any questions or need assistance, contact Patty Rowe, NHS Counselor at 362-6241.

High School Math Tutoring will start next week on Tuesday in Ms. Schieber's room. It will be weekly Monday & Wednesday at 3:05pm and Tuesday & Thursday 7:30am.

SENIORS & PARENTS: Scholarship Applications are listed by Monthly Deadlines. To locate from the Newkirk Schools Home Page, click on EXPLORE on upper right side. Next click on drop down arrow by HS COUNSELOR. Under SCHOLARSHIPS, click on drop down arrow to select month. If you have any questions, please call the Counselor's Office.

Masonic Senior Essay Scholarship Contest. Deadline for entry is October 31st. Detailed information can be found on the High School Facebook page. If you have any questions, please call 405-348-7500 or email: information@mcfok.org. Entries are submitted online at www.mcfok.org

ACT Prep Workshop at NOC with Testing Specialist Shelly Beaty. Cost is $20. Two locations: NOC Tonkawa, Wednesday, September 30th at the Renfro Center. NOC Enid, Thursday, October 1st at the Briggs Auditorium. DEADLINE to register is Sept. 28th. Face Masks are REQUIRED. To register, go to: https://noc.secure.force.com/events/#/list

Update on Senior Night this year.
Softball - September 1st
Football/Cheer/Band - September 3rd
Go Tigers!

Masonic Senior Essay SCHOLARSHIP Contest. Deadline is October 31, 2020. To apply, go to www.mcfok.org

NWOSU is offering tuition waivers for juniors. Contact NWOSU for more information. (580) 237-0334

High School Pick Up Day
August 4th 2020, 9:00am -12:00pm and 1:00pm-3:00pm Pick Up
• Class Schedule (must be enrolled online before schedule is
• Class Schedule change form (return asap)
• Meal Application
• Parking Permit $10.00 (driver’s license, ins. verification, tag #)
• Class Dues $30.00
* Technology Fee $25.00 student issued chromebook
• Sports Physical forms needed