Monday, March 14, 2022 – President’s Leadership Class Scholarship Application Deadline - $2,750 scholarship, trip to a major U.S. city, and the opportunity to take a leadership course under the instruction of our Northwestern President. https://www.nwosu.edu/plc

Sooner Discovery: See what it’s like to live at OU! This is a pre-college program that invites soon-to-be high school juniors and seniors to move onto campus this summer from June 12 - July 8. Students also get to take five hours of college credit and experience life as a college student, just months before they begin the college application process. We are even offering a $500 Counselor Nominated Scholarship for the program that we would love for you to consider nominating a student for. Check out the program and scholarship at ou.edu/soonerdiscovery.

Oklahoma students have an amazing opportunity to experience life on a college campus this summer, both commuter and residential opportunities are available.

Cowley Scholarship Audition Day. Band, Choir, Theatre. Saturday, Feb. 12th from 9am - noon; Wednesday, March 30th from 10am - 4pm.

ACT Prep Workshop at NOC. 8:30 am - Noon. Deadline to register is March 1st.
Tonkawa Campus, March 2nd; Enid Campus, March 3rd. To register: https://noc.secure.force.com/events/#/list

OU Sooner Discovery Program: This is for sophomores & juniors who are interested in earning 5 hours of college credit, live in the residence halls & experience life as an OU college student. When: June 12-July 8, 2022 (To Be Confirmed). Application is open from Nov. 1st-May 1st. Apply at ou.edu/soonerdiscovery

Seniors planning on attending OU in the Fall of 2022: Start Sooner program. First year students admitted for Fall 2022 are eligible for an early arrival to campus living, 6 hours of college credit, and the ability to explore OU and Norman before the fall semester begins. When: July 10-August 4, 2022 (To be confirmed) Registration is from November 1-June 1. Website: ou.edu/startsooner

Conference (MHSC) is OU’s first high school conference geared towards minorities in STEM exclusively for high school freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors from across Oklahoma. The purpose is to Educate, Empower, and Represent - disadvantaged and marginalized high schoolers that want to pursue the Health Sciences at the University of Oklahoma. This informative and interactive conference will allow students to explore a multitude of career options at OU's seven health science colleges while also utilizing resources and methods to access higher education more easily.
The Minority Health Sciences Conference is a FREE event. The conference will be held on Saturday, April 9, 2022, from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., at the University of Oklahoma in Norman, Oklahoma. Check-in will begin at 7 a.m. If you’re interested in attending, click here to register.
*Note: For registration you are required to upload two completed and signed risk management forms. You can obtain a copy of these forms from your High School Counselor or you can find them on the OU website.*
If you would like to see more on what MHSC is all about, please check out the website, https://www.oumhsc.org/, and follow on Instagram at @OUMHSC.
**Covid-19 precautions as recommended by the CDC will be in place as OU's main priority will always be the safety of their students and their staff above all else.
If you have any questions or concerns, contact nam.p.nguyen-1@ou.edu and myaneisha.taylor@ou.edu.

Monday, March 14, 2022 – President’s Leadership Class Scholarship Application Deadline - $2,750 scholarship, trip to a major U.S. city, and the opportunity to take a leadership course under the instruction of our Northwestern President. https://www.nwosu.edu/plc

NEW Changes to OK Promise! Starting with the Class of 2023, students are eligible to enroll through their junior year! Income limit has been increased to $60,000. For more information go to: https://www.okhighered.org/okpromise

JUNIORS & SENIORS: Sign up for a National ACT Test. Check with your counselor on if you qualify for a Fee Waiver. Go to act.org to register.

Saturday, February 26, 2021 – Spring Showcase – Extra opportunity for high school seniors to visit campus to earn $500 scholarship, free lunch, t-shirt, attend a home Ranger baseball game, and much more! All college application fees are waived for attendees of this event. Juniors will receive all of the above; however, they will only be eligible for the $500 scholarship if they attend the event during their senior year of high school. The Spring Showcase Scholarship of $500 cannot be stacked on top of the Ranger Preview Scholarship of $600. To register for Spring Showcase, go to https://www.nwosu.edu/spring-showcase

OU Scholarship: CS-INCLUDES (Computer Science Indigenous Community of Learners United to Develop, Excel, Succeed) scholarship:
Scholarship support of up to $10,000 per year for 4 years based on financial need. Applicants must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for the Fall 2022 school year.
Selected students will be part of the CS-INCLUDES program.
Join the Community of Scholars who will provide both academic and social support. Additional benefits of program participation include:
Family Welcome upon entry into the program
Peer mentorship
Faculty mentorship including CS and Indigenous faculty
Dedicated advising
Academic support, including study nights
Opportunities to support tribal nation building through internships, research, and service learning
Scholarship will be available January 2022. Selection criteria include Computer Science major and a desire for a career that supports Tribal Nation Building. To apply to OU, go to https://www.ou.edu/admissions/apply

SENIORS: Spring Events for WSU: Shocker Saturdays: Feb. 19, March 12, March 19, April 9. Black & Yellow Days for juniors/seniors on Feb. 21 & April 22. W-S-YOU for admitted seniors on March 26. Freshman & Sophomore Day on April 23. Sign up at wichita.edu/visit

ACT Prep Workshop at NOC. 8:30 am - Noon. Deadline to register is March 1st.
Tonkawa Campus, March 2nd; Enid Campus, March 3rd. To register: https://noc.secure.force.com/events/#/list

Rose State College will be hosting a Health Science Preview Day on February 18, 2022 from 9:30-1:00. Lunch will be provided. For more information, contact Donnie Anderson. danderson@rose.edu

The University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma (USAO) has established a new institutional scholarship called the Drover Difference Scholarship. It will be available beginning Fall 2022 for students that qualify for “Oklahoma Promise”.
This extra financial award is designed to supplement the state’s Oklahoma Promise Scholarship. The Drover Difference Scholarship is a four-year award for first-time enrolling freshmen. The scholarship provides $1,500 toward the student’s housing and an additional $1,650 toward mandatory fees for the academic year.
Students that qualify, go to https://admissions.usao.edu/apply to apply for admissions and scholarships.
In addition to this new opportunity, USAO has increased the amount of all of its existing competitive awards. Targeting students who show outstanding academic achievement and leadership potential, the annual value of these four-year awards ranges from $5,300 to $7,000.
For more information about these and other scholarships at USAO, visit usao.edu/scholarships.

Rose State College Preview Day is February 25th from 9am - 1pm. Breakfast, Lunch, and a Raider T-shirt. Sessions will cover Scholarships, Campus Life, Degrees, and Concurrent Enrollment. To register: tinyurl.com/rscjrpreview2022

Seniors, check out these scholarships!

Rose State College will be hosting a Health Science Preview Day on February 18, 2022 from 9:30-1:00. Lunch will be provided. For more information, contact Donnie Anderson. danderson@rose.edu