Saturday, February 26, 2021 – Spring Showcase – Extra opportunity for high school seniors to visit campus to earn $500 scholarship, free lunch, t-shirt, attend a home Ranger baseball game, and much more! All college application fees are waived for attendees of this event. Juniors will receive all of the above; however, they will only be eligible for the $500 scholarship if they attend the event during their senior year of high school. The Spring Showcase Scholarship of $500 cannot be stacked on top of the Ranger Preview Scholarship of $600. To register for Spring Showcase, go to https://www.nwosu.edu/spring-showcase

NWOSU Honors Program. Admission Requirements: High School Cumulative GPA of 3.4; ACT Composite of 27; two page writing sample on a given prompt; recommendation letter from a teacher or administrator. To apply:
For questions or more information, contact
honors@nwosu.edu or the Honors Chair Dr. Roxie James at rjjames@nwosu.edu

Cowley Scholarship Audition Day. Band, Choir, Theatre. Saturday, Feb. 12th from 9am - noon; Wednesday, March 30th from 10am - 4pm.

The Center for Tribal Studies at Northeastern State University Native Strong American Indian Recruitment Day, will be held in-person on Tuesday, March 1, 2022. This is an event for current high school juniors and seniors.
Topics covered include: Admissions, scholarships, financial aid, and services for Native American students. Seniors will have the chance to engage with current NSU Native American students and learn about their student organizations and college life through a student panel. Lunch will be provided with a powwow demonstration from our own Native students. Optional tours guided by our RiverHawk Ambassadors will be available at the conclusion of the event. Register: https://nsuok.radiusbycampusmgmt.com/ssc/eform/GaC73NG0S86G0x670RA73.ssc

Rose State College will be hosting a Health Science Preview Day on February 18, 2022 from 9:30-1:00. Lunch will be provided. For more information, contact Donnie Anderson. danderson@rose.edu

Newkirk families,
Weather stations are calling for heavy snow for us sometime between 12:00-9:00pm today. The conditions will not be safe tomorrow with temperatures tonight. We will not have school Thursday, February 3rd. Stay safe and warm, Tigers!
All evening activities tomorrow will also be canceled/rescheduled.

JUNIORS & SENIORS: Sign up for a National ACT Test. Check with your counselor on if you qualify for a Fee Waiver. Go to act.org to register.

ACT Prep Workshop at NOC. 8:30 am - Noon. Deadline to register is March 1st.
Tonkawa Campus, March 2nd; Enid Campus, March 3rd. To register: https://noc.secure.force.com/events/#/list

OU Sooner Discovery Program: This is for sophomores & juniors who are interested in earning 5 hours of college credit, live in the residence halls & experience life as an OU college student. When: June 12-July 8, 2022 (To Be Confirmed). Application is open from Nov. 1st-May 1st. Apply at ou.edu/soonerdiscovery

Seniors planning on attending OU in the Fall of 2022: Start Sooner program. First year students admitted for Fall 2022 are eligible for an early arrival to campus living, 6 hours of college credit, and the ability to explore OU and Norman before the fall semester begins. When: July 10-August 4, 2022 (To be confirmed) Registration is from November 1-June 1. Website: ou.edu/startsooner

Rose State College Preview Day is February 25th from 9am - 1pm. Breakfast, Lunch, and a Raider T-shirt. Sessions will cover Scholarships, Campus Life, Degrees, and Concurrent Enrollment. To register: tinyurl.com/rscjrpreview2022

Conference (MHSC) is OU’s first high school conference geared towards minorities in STEM exclusively for high school freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors from across Oklahoma. The purpose is to Educate, Empower, and Represent - disadvantaged and marginalized high schoolers that want to pursue the Health Sciences at the University of Oklahoma. This informative and interactive conference will allow students to explore a multitude of career options at OU's seven health science colleges while also utilizing resources and methods to access higher education more easily.
The Minority Health Sciences Conference is a FREE event. The conference will be held on Saturday, April 9, 2022, from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., at the University of Oklahoma in Norman, Oklahoma. Check-in will begin at 7 a.m. If you’re interested in attending, click here to register.
*Note: For registration you are required to upload two completed and signed risk management forms. You can obtain a copy of these forms from your High School Counselor or you can find them on the OU website.*
If you would like to see more on what MHSC is all about, please check out the website, https://www.oumhsc.org/, and follow on Instagram at @OUMHSC.
**Covid-19 precautions as recommended by the CDC will be in place as OU's main priority will always be the safety of their students and their staff above all else.
If you have any questions or concerns, contact nam.p.nguyen-1@ou.edu and myaneisha.taylor@ou.edu.

Langston University has one of the most obtainable full-ride scholarships in the nation in the McCabe Scholarship. Students with a 3.5 unweighted, cumulative GPA and a 22 ACT or 1100 SAT (or valedictorians who may not have tested well) may apply for a four-year full-ride here:
There is also a room and board scholarship that is test optional and starts at a 3.3 unweighted GPA. This is one the same application.
More information on the Honors Program is here: https://www.langston.edu/academics/programs-centers/edwin-p-mccabe-honors-program
Another full-ride is through the USDA and requires a 3.0 gpa and a 21 ACT or SAT equivalent that is aimed at Ag students (and loosely connected majors like Computer Science, Biology, etc.). This USDA 1890 Scholarship is due January 31st of each year and typically comes with a government internship. The link is here: https://www.usda.gov/partnerships/1890NationalScholars
Lastly, I've attached a brochure if you are unfamiliar with Langston's programs/pricing. We also offer smaller scholarships for the first year starting at a 2.5 GPA (admission begins at a 2.4) which students are considered for simply by applying to the university. Our free application for admission is here: www.langston.edu/apply-now

Here is a link to the spring store for baseball, track, and soccer. All proceeds from the gear goes to Newkirk Athletics.
The store closes February 16th.
Have a great weekend,
Megan Karsten

Monday, March 14, 2022 – President’s Leadership Class Scholarship Application Deadline - $2,750 scholarship, trip to a major U.S. city, and the opportunity to take a leadership course under the instruction of our Northwestern President. https://www.nwosu.edu/plc

Rose State College will be hosting a Health Science Preview Day on February 18, 2022 from 9:30-1:00. Lunch will be provided. For more information, contact Donnie Anderson. danderson@rose.edu

JUNIORS & SENIORS: Sign up for a National ACT Test. Check with your counselor on if you qualify for a Fee Waiver. Go to act.org to register.

Saturday, February 26, 2021 – Spring Showcase – Extra opportunity for high school seniors to visit campus to earn $500 scholarship, free lunch, t-shirt, attend a home Ranger baseball game, and much more! All college application fees are waived for attendees of this event. Juniors will receive all of the above; however, they will only be eligible for the $500 scholarship if they attend the event during their senior year of high school. The Spring Showcase Scholarship of $500 cannot be stacked on top of the Ranger Preview Scholarship of $600. To register for Spring Showcase, go to https://www.nwosu.edu/spring-showcase

Seniors planning on attending OU, the final admission deadline is February 1st.

NEW Changes to OK Promise! Starting with the Class of 2023, students are eligible to enroll through their junior year! Income limit has been increased to $60,000. For more information go to: https://www.okhighered.org/okpromise