JUNIORS & SENIORS: Sign up for a National ACT Test. Check with your counselor on if you qualify for a Fee Waiver. Go to act.org to register.

Seniors, check out these scholarships!

NOC Fall 2021 Northern Encounter. Explore Your Future at NOC. Discover Programs, Services, Clubs & Organizations. Meet Faculty & Students. Take a Campus Tour! Free T-Shirt, Door Prizes. 2 locations, from 9am - 11 am. Tonkawa: Oct. 20th; Enid: Oct. 27th. Pre-Register Online: https://noc.secure.force.com/events/#/list

SENIORS & Parents: FAFSA Session will be held Wed., Oct. 20th at 6pm in the HS Computer Lab. Kelly Jordan from NOC will be here to assist parents in completing their student's FAFSA. For more information on what to bring, call the HS Counselor or check on the High School Facebook page. Hope to see you there!

Homecoming is October 14th 2021
Pep Assembly is at 12:00
Parade will be approximately 1:30
Homecoming 6:00
Game Time 7:00
Congratulations to our Homecoming Court and Candidates

Newkirk High School is participating in District Fall Testing with ACT. NHS will have a Test Day tomorrow on Tuesday, October 5th. Freshmen and Sophomores will be taking the PreACT test, and Juniors and Seniors will be taking the ACT. Testing will begin at 8:00. Students will need to be on time for school tomorrow. These tests are free to the students. If you have any questions, please contact the High School Counselor.

SENIORS & Parents: FAFSA Session will be held Wed., Oct. 20th at 6pm in the HS Computer Lab. Kelly Jordan from NOC will be here to assist parents in completing their student's FAFSA. For more information on what to bring, call the HS Counselor or check on the High School Facebook page. Hope to see you there!

NWOSU Ranger Preview! Saturday, Nov. 13th 9am. $600 Scholarship, Talk with Student Clubs & Faculty Members, FREE Lunch, FREE Football Tickets! Call 580.327.8546 or email recruit@nwosu.edu

JUNIORS & SENIORS: Sign up for a National ACT Test. Check with your counselor on if you qualify for a Fee Waiver. Go to act.org to register.

NOC Fall 2021 Northern Encounter. Explore Your Future at NOC. Discover Programs, Services, Clubs & Organizations. Meet Faculty & Students. Take a Campus Tour! Free T-Shirt, Door Prizes. All 3 locations, from 9am - 11 am. Stillwater: Oct. 6th; Tonkawa: Oct. 20th; Enid: Oct. 27th. Pre-Register Online: https://noc.secure.force.com/events/#/list

pt conference

Lady Tigers Regional Softball Bracket. #GoTigers!

Newkirk High School is participating in District Fall Testing with ACT. NHS will have a Test Day on Tuesday, October 5th. Freshmen and Sophomores will be taking the PreACT test, and Juniors and Seniors will be taking the ACT. Testing will begin at 8:00. Students will need to be on time for school on this day. These tests are free to the students. If you have any questions, please contact the High School Counselor.

SENIORS & Parents: FAFSA Session will be held Wed., Oct. 20th at 6pm in the HS Computer Lab. Kelly Jordan from NOC will be here to assist parents in completing their student's FAFSA. For more information on what to bring, call the HS Counselor or check on the High School Facebook page. Hope to see you there!

Newkirk High School is participating in District Fall Testing with ACT. NHS will have a Test Day on Tuesday, October 5th. Freshmen and Sophomores will be taking the PreACT test, and Juniors and Seniors will be taking the ACT. Testing will begin at 8:00. Students will need to be on time for school on this day. These tests are free to the students. If you have any questions, please contact the High School Counselor.

Thank you Mr. Kempenich for being a team player. He came to the rescue to change a flat tire.

Seniors, check out these scholarships!

JUNIORS & SENIORS: Sign up for a National ACT Test. Check with your counselor on if you qualify for a Fee Waiver. Go to act.org to register.

NEW Changes to OK Promise! Starting with the Class of 2023, students are eligible to enroll through their junior year! Income limit has been increased to $60,000. For more information go to: https://www.okhighered.org/okpromise

SENIORS, REMEMBER to check out the Scholarships page on the Newkirk Schools Website. From the blue bar on the home page, click the arrow on HS COUNSELOR, then the arrow on SCHOLARSHIPS. Due dates for scholarships are organized by month. Scholarships are separated by Local (Newkirk / Kay County), State, and National. While you are checking out scholarships, be sure to check out the COLLEGE EVENTS page for Senior Days. To get started, go to www.newkirk.k12.ok.us