ACT Prep Workshop at NOC with Shelly Beatty, Testing Specialist. Tonkawa Campus on Wednesday, Sept. 22nd from 8:30-11:30. Enid Campus on Thursday, Sept. 23rd. Cost is $20. DEADLINE to register is Sept. 20th. Register online: https://noc.secure.force.com/events/#/list

Freshmen and Sophomores: Oklahoma's Promise offers qualified Oklahoma students an opportunity to earn a scholarship for college tuition. In order to qualify for this scholarship program, you must be an Oklahoma resident, you must enroll in the program during the 8th, 9th, or 10th grades, and your parent's federal adjusted gross income must not exceed $55,000 per year. For more information or to apply, go to www.okpromise.org

The BigSun Organization is proud to be able to continue to help young athletes succeed in their academic pursuits. We are offering an annual scholarship to a deserving student. All student athletes are eligible for this award, regardless of which sport they are participating in. Deadline to apply is June 19, 2021. Award Amount $500 To apply go to

The BigSun Organization is proud to be able to continue to help young athletes succeed in their academic pursuits. We are offering an annual scholarship to a deserving student. All student athletes are eligible for this award, regardless of which sport they are participating in. Deadline to apply is June 19, 2021. Award Amount $500 To apply go to

Sophomores or Juniors planning on taking college courses over the summer or in the fall, your college schedules are DUE to the high school counselor by Wednesday, May 19th. If you have questions, or need information on qualifying / enrolling in college classes, please see Ms. Rowe in the Counselor's Office.

Please join us for a Meet and Greet following the Board Meeting at 7:00pm. We will be welcoming several new teachers to the district. We look forward to seeing you there.

SENIORS, REMEMBER to check out the Scholarships page on the Newkirk Schools Website. From the blue bar on the home page, click the arrow on HS COUNSELOR, then the arrow on SCHOLARSHIPS. Due dates for scholarships are organized by month. Scholarships are separated by Local (Newkirk / Kay County), State, and National. While you are checking out scholarships, be sure to check out the COLLEGE EVENTS page for Senior Days. To get started, go to www.newkirk.k12.ok.us

Freshmen and Sophomores: Oklahoma's Promise offers qualified Oklahoma students an opportunity to earn a scholarship for college tuition. In order to qualify for this scholarship program, you must be an Oklahoma resident, you must enroll in the program during the 8th, 9th, or 10th grades, and your parent's federal adjusted gross income must not exceed $55,000 per year. For more information or to apply, go to www.okpromise.org

SENIORS, REMEMBER to check out the Scholarships page on the Newkirk Schools Website. From the blue bar on the home page, click the arrow on HS COUNSELOR, then the arrow on SCHOLARSHIPS. Due dates for scholarships are organized by month. Scholarships are separated by Local (Newkirk / Kay County), State, and National. While you are checking out scholarships, be sure to check out the COLLEGE EVENTS page for Senior Days. To get started, go to www.newkirk.k12.ok.us

SENIORS, REMEMBER to check out the Scholarships page on the Newkirk Schools Website. From the blue bar on the home page, click the arrow on HS COUNSELOR, then the arrow on SCHOLARSHIPS. Due dates for scholarships are organized by month. Scholarships are separated by Local (Newkirk / Kay County), State, and National. While you are checking out scholarships, be sure to check out the COLLEGE EVENTS page for Senior Days. To get started, go to www.newkirk.k12.ok.us

The BigSun Organization is proud to be able to continue to help young athletes succeed in their academic pursuits. We are offering an annual scholarship to a deserving student. All student athletes are eligible for this award, regardless of which sport they are participating in. Deadline to apply is June 19, 2021. Award Amount $500 To apply go to

Your seniors are invited to Northwestern Oklahoma State University! Freshman Connection!Freshman Connection will take place on April 14, 15, 16, 19 & 20. Freshman Connection is the first day for committed and accepted high school seniors to enroll as freshmen at Northwestern. High school seniors will work with faculty members and/or academic advisors to enroll in classes. Seniors will now simply register for Freshman Connection and then will be contacted by our office to choose the date and time they want to come and enroll. The process has never been simpler or more convenient. Register for the event below! https://www.nwosu.edu/freshman-connection If your students applied for our Presidential Leadership Class or has already registered for the event, then they are good to go!

Freshmen and Sophomores: Oklahoma's Promise offers qualified Oklahoma students an opportunity to earn a scholarship for college tuition. In order to qualify for this scholarship program, you must be an Oklahoma resident, you must enroll in the program during the 8th, 9th, or 10th grades, and your parent's federal adjusted gross income must not exceed $55,000 per year. For more information or to apply, go to www.okpromise.org

When: Saturday, April 10 (3:15pm - 9:00pm)
Cost: FREE for high school juniors/seniors
To Register: https://bit.ly/UCODramaDay (space is limited!)
About the Event: Registration includes participation in theatre workshops, guided tour of UCO campus, dinner with faculty followed by admission to the UCO student-driven performance of Everybody that evening. Seniors can also audition earlier (2:30pm) for scholarships and acceptance into program.
School Groups: We are not able to register school groups for this event.
When: Saturday, April 17 (1:30pm - 9:00pm)
Cost: FREE for high school juniors/seniors
To Register: https://bit.ly/UCOVoiceDay (space is limited!)
About the Event: Registration includes participation in vocal workshops, guided tour of UCO campus, dinner with faculty followed by admission to the UCO Opera performance of Cendrillion that evening. Seniors can also audition earlier (12:30pm) for scholarships and acceptance into program.
School Groups: We are not able to register school groups for this event.
COVID Precautions are being taken for all events including, but not limited to, no-contact health screenings prior to admittance into the facility, regular cleaning breaks, and mandatory classroom capacity limits. Please note that UCO requires all students, employees, and visitors to wear a mask covering both mouth AND nose on campus when around others, both indoors and outdoors, and practice physical distancing of at least six feet when possible.

SENIORS, REMEMBER to check out the Scholarships page on the Newkirk Schools Website. From the blue bar on the home page, click the arrow on HS COUNSELOR, then the arrow on SCHOLARSHIPS. Due dates for scholarships are organized by month. Scholarships are separated by Local (Newkirk / Kay County), State, and National. While you are checking out scholarships, be sure to check out the COLLEGE EVENTS page for Senior Days. To get started, go to www.newkirk.k12.ok.us

Tiger Preview Day for Juniors. Wednesday, April 7, 2021 from 9am - 12 pm. Cowley College W.S. Scott Auditorium. You will need to request a college visit day through the counselor's office. Forms are in the HS Library.

The BigSun Organization is proud to be able to continue to help young athletes succeed in their academic pursuits. We are offering an annual scholarship to a deserving student. All student athletes are eligible for this award, regardless of which sport they are participating in. Deadline to apply is June 19, 2021. Award Amount $500 To apply go to

Freshmen and Sophomores: Oklahoma's Promise offers qualified Oklahoma students an opportunity to earn a scholarship for college tuition. In order to qualify for this scholarship program, you must be an Oklahoma resident, you must enroll in the program during the 8th, 9th, or 10th grades, and your parent's federal adjusted gross income must not exceed $55,000 per year. For more information or to apply, go to www.okpromise.org

Cowley College Fall Enrollment. Saturday, March 20th from 9 am - 2 pm. See NHS Facebook page for more details.

Seniors and parents of seniors, for a step by step video on how to complete the FAFSA, please go to the HS Counselor page on the Newkirk Schools website. Under Financial Aid / College Resources you will be able to find videos and publications to help assist you in completing the FAFSA with your student. If you have questions, or need assistance, please contact Patty Rowe, HS Counselor at 580-362-6241 ext. 126 or prowe@newkirk.k12.ok.us