This is for the Ark City Dual Tournament this weekend. No fans will be allowed. You can watch your Tigers on the following link. Go Tigers!

SENIORS interested in pursuing a medical degree. OU offers a Medical Humanities Scholars Program. Through this program, students are able to pursue a liberal arts education focused on medicine and society and at the same time fulfill their pre-medical requirements. MH Scholars are guaranteed admission to the OU College of Medicine if their undergraduate science grade point average and MCAT scores equal or surpass the previous year’s incoming class average.Please contact Will O'Donnell by email at willodonnell03@ou.edu if you have any questions or go to https://www.ou.edu/honors/admissions to apply. The deadline for applications is January 15, 2021.

Juniors: The Leadership Oklahoma (LOK) application is now open. Fifty of the state’s top juniors from across the state are chosen through a competitive application process and are then taken on a week long educational journey in the summer across Oklahoma, learning lessons about leadership, trust, problem solving, communication, cooperation, career opportunities, but most importantly, why Oklahoma is such a great place to live and work. Deadline to apply is January 15, 2021. https://www.leadershipoklahoma.com/youth-program

Seniors and parents of seniors, for a step by step video on how to complete the FAFSA, please go to the HS Counselor page on the Newkirk Schools website. Under Financial Aid / College Resources you will be able to find videos and publications to help assist you in completing the FAFSA with your student. If you have questions, or need assistance, please contact Patty Rowe, HS Counselor at 580-362-6241 ext. 126 or prowe@newkirk.k12.ok.us

SENIORS, REMEMBER to check out the Scholarships page on the Newkirk Schools Website. From the home page, click EXPLORE, click the arrow on HS COUNSELOR, then the arrow on SCHOLARSHIPS. Due dates for scholarships are organized by month. Scholarships are separated by Local (Newkirk / Kay County), State, and National. While you are checking out scholarships, be sure to check out the COLLEGE EVENTS page for Senior Days. To get started, go to www.newkirk.k12.ok.us

Freshmen and Sophomores: Oklahoma's Promise offers qualified Oklahoma students an opportunity to earn a scholarship for college tuition. In order to qualify for this scholarship program, you must be an Oklahoma resident, you must enroll in the program during the 8th, 9th, or 10th grades, and your parent's federal adjusted gross income must not exceed $55,000 per year. For more information or to apply, go to www.okpromise.org

Seniors interested in attending OU in the fall. The FINAL scholarship admission deadline is Dec. 15th.

Seniors and parents of seniors, for a step by step video on how to complete the FAFSA, please go to the HS Counselor page on the Newkirk Schools website. Under Financial Aid / College Resources you will be able to find videos and publications to help assist you in completing the FAFSA with your student. If you have questions, or need assistance, please contact Patty Rowe, HS Counselor at 580-362-6241 ext. 126 or prowe@newkirk.k12.ok.us

There are still available seats for the December 12th ACT Test. Register at www.act.org

National Honor Society Induction for Sunday November 15 2020 has been postponed and will be rescheduled.

The BigSun Organization is proud to be able to continue to help young athletes succeed in their academic pursuits. We are offering an annual scholarship to a deserving student. All student athletes are eligible for this award, regardless of which sport they are participating in. Deadline to apply is June 19, 2021. Award Amount $500 To apply go to

SENIORS: Reminder about Virtual Ranger Preview this Saturday, November 7th. Every high school senior who registers for the event and watches it live on November 7th will receive a $600 scholarship to attend Northwestern. BAND STUDENTS: The Fine Arts program is offering a minimum $900 scholarship to any student who plans in the Ranger Band. For information regarding the Ranger Band, contact Luis Mendoza at 580-327-8544 or lmendoza@nwosu.eduTo REGISTER for RANGER PREVIEW, go to https://www.nwosu.edu/forms/ranger-preview-registration-form

Seniors interested in the professions of Psychology, Fitness/Health, & Teaching, the NSU College of Education is hosting a free webinar this Thursday at 5:00 p.m. https://nsuok.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_7_1tV8plSWS5gXpi7JUk6g

PreACT Testing for Sophomores will be scheduled for a later date.

Juniors: The Leadership Oklahoma (LOK) application is now open. Fifty of the state’s top juniors from across the state are chosen through a competitive application process and are then taken on a week long educational journey in the summer across Oklahoma, learning lessons about leadership, trust, problem solving, communication, cooperation, career opportunities, but most importantly, why Oklahoma is such a great place to live and work. Deadline to apply is January 15, 2021. https://www.leadershipoklahoma.com/youth-program

Seniors and parents of seniors, for a step by step video on how to complete the FAFSA, please go to the HS Counselor page on the Newkirk Schools website. Under Financial Aid / College Resources you will be able to find videos and publications to help assist you in completing the FAFSA with your student. If you have questions, or need assistance, please contact Patty Rowe, HS Counselor at 580-362-6241 ext. 126 or prowe@newkirk.k12.ok.us

November Scholarships: Links on NHS Counselor's webpage. https://www.newkirk.k12.ok.us/o/newkirk-public-schools/page/november--17
Bachus and Schanker Scholarship; Elks National Foundation: Most Valuable Student Scholarship; The Hagan Scholarship Foundation; Prudential Spirit of Community Awards; Student Photography Scholarship; Walmart Associate Scholarship; 10 Words or Less Scholarship

SENIORS interested in attending OU, there will be a Rural Application Workshop on Monday, Nov. 9th at 6pm. The admissions and recruitment office will walk students through the OU application, address commonly asked questions, and answer any questions you may have. Registered students will receive a link to the Zoom meeting one hour prior to the event. To register: https://hello.ou.edu/register/?id=81115ca3-ae9d-4b37-982f-0b120968aed6

The Hagan Scholarship Foundation has been updated. Individual class rankings as scholarship criteria have been removed and the application deadline has been extended to December 1st. To apply, go to the Newkirk High School counselor's webpage under November Scholarships.

SENIORS: Southwestern College in Winfield, Kansas is offering a FULL TUITION SCHOLARSHIP. This scholarship is granted through two different competitions. The Pillars and Moundbuilder Spirit competition. The Pillars is geared towards an academically driven student and the Moundbuilder Spirit is meant for a student that is engaged and active in their community or high school. The competitions are NOT based on GPA or ACT scores. There are four full tuition scholarships (two for each competition) awarded each year to students that take part in our competition and each student that participates is awarded a renewable $1,000 scholarship. IF you are planning on attending Southwestern College and would like to enter the competition, please contact Ms. Rowe, HS Counselor by November 16th.